What to see :: Introduction :: 5. Popular Parties


-Palm Sunday: at 12.30. Palm blessing and procession to the church.
-Holy Thursday at 20.00h. Procession of the Nazarene and the Virgin of Sorrows. Songs of the verses to the Virgin.
-Good Friday, at 11:00. Procession and proclamation of the Meeting of the Lord with the Virgin in the street gives Bitterness. A 23.00. Burial and procession of the Holy Rosary of the Good Death.
-Easter Sunday: at 24:30. procession with the Blessed Sacrament of the Risen Jesus encounter with the Virgin.

In summer:
-21 July: Party of Rose Cross, in the chapel of Sant Rosa.
-15 August: dedicated to the pattern Sant Mary of Atalaya
-16 August: dedicated to San Roque.
-17 August: procession of boats along the river, dedicated to Our Lady of Carmen. And the simulation of the wreck.
-30 August: Feast of Sant Rosa, in the chapel


-15 May: San Isidro Labrador. (In Matio)
-13 June: San Antonio. (In Aplazadoiro)
-14 June: San Jose. (In Aplazadoiro)
-28 October: San Simon. (Matio)
-8 December: Immaculate Conception


-May. Ascension Thursday. Celebrating the Assumption of Mary. (In Torre)
August 11 -10: San Amedia. (In Torre).


-1 º july Saturday and Sunday: festival of San Antonio and Rosario.
-2 Degrees Saturday and Sunday of September: celebrations dedicated to the pattern saint Roque and Sant Mary.


-26 December : celebration in honor of the pattern of the parish of St. Stephen.
-27 December: dedicated to San Roque.
-2 Degrees Saturday and Sunday of July: Ascension and Sacrament. (Feast of the brane).


-2 February: "Candeas"
-24 June: San Juan and the sacrament
-4 º Sunday and Monday of August. Virgin's miracles and San Jose.

30 -31 December, dedicated to the pattern "Santiago".
