Through the
Mardelaxe Project we are developing a very important means of exchanging information with diverse fishing communities all over the world, and despite them being in very precarious situations compared to what we are experiencing in Galicia today, this exchange of information has been very enriching.
During this time we have received visits from Fishing Communities in Uruguay, Argentina, Chile and Isla de Hierro.
We haven't only received visits though, given that in September 2004 we were at a fishing community in Uruguay, more specifically, the one situated in the Rocha Laguna. There we met a series of people that told us their experiences and methods of work.
In November 2004 we took part in workshops in the University of A Coruña as an initial step in creating the Fishing Communities Netwok.
The Director of the Project was invited by organisers to participate in the work shops, even though at that time the Fishingg Association of Laxe wasn't going to form part of thisnetwork. There he met with fishermen he had visited a few months back at Rocha Laguna Uruguay, who were very glad of this encounter. They revealed that they intended to visit the port of Laxe, which they did the following day on their way to Lira port for the launch of the Fishing Communities Network.