What to see :: Introduction :: 2. The Port

Like may coastal towns Laxe has extended across the beach and at the foot of mount Cornaceiras (that extends until the cape that shielded the port against storms). The town is distributed around roads parallel to the beach crossed over by others that go down to the beach. These roads allowed the boats to come up to protect them form great storms, given that they would have been destroyed if left at the port.

The port has undergone modifications and extensions that have enabled fishermen to carry out their work with greater safety, as well as allowing the arrival of larger boats that before couldn't dock at the port. Installations and infrastructures were also put in place that facilitate the daily life of sea workers (administrative offices, fish market, ice factory, fishing huts, marine carts, cranes, warehouses, classrooms,...)

The first expansion work at the port of Laxe dates back to 1949 and was carried out by the ?Caolines de Lage? company that had a loading bay for the kaolinate extracted from the mines at Laxe to be loaded onto the boats. In the seventies there were various advances like dredging, and the expansion of commercial and fishing docks. In the eighties new projects took place that ended in the expansion of the jetties and the creation of a loading bay for merchant ships.

The Laxe Yacht Club has recently been created, for which a pier was put in place for recreational boats.

We must note that there is a permanent Red Cross post, with the principal aim of aiding fishermen in case any dangerous situation should arise.
The port of Laxe disposes of many other services such as a naval repair workshop, fuel pump, fresh water supply, and even gives us the opportunity to spend some pleasant moments at the café "Casa do Pescador".
