Aula del Mar Classroom :: Disclosure Events

In the spreading of knowledge about the marine world, are also collaborations and workshops since the project mardelaxe do with the general public who comes to the port of Laxe, including the Hall, which perform various activities, including lectures -workshops and collaborations with other projects.

Coloquies Days

* Act together with the Bureau for the Standardization Linguistics.
* Campaign for the Prevention of Occupational Risks.
* The Sea of ​​Women: I day of Artisanal Fisheries Port Laxe
* Tables of Tourism Sailor: solutions of problems of socio-cultural projects.
* The Memory of the Sea: Traveling Exhibition Heritage-frame building.
* Talks Mardelaxe: Marketing of seafood products and activities.
* International Conference II: Socioeconomic Diversification in fishing communities


* Nothing overboard: cleaning the seabed
* Salvage: Rescue Exercises in the port of Laxe.
* A back of the Whale: Travelling Exhibition.
* Prespa Project: Database CreAcción international
* Surveys of the Ministry of the Sea: Veda Ventolla and Hake Tacs.
* Questionnaires: EFF aid FEMME fishing and on the role of women in the world of the sea.
* Turgalicia: Processing data file
* Infomeetings: Club Nautico de Laxe and teaching courses, seminars for members, and usually talk Estucios SL (which mardelaxe not responsible for the contents)